We can't believe May is almost over! I feel like I just updated the blog, but it's actually been a month now! Everyone is great here. Will and Liv are SO MUCH FUN now! They both roll over all the time now. Will really loves to be on his belly, and won't sleep any other way! They are both really happy babies, and love to laugh at everything. Liv especially loves the dogs - she lights up when they walk by.
This month, Aunt Christine came to visit for a long weekend. She helped Marie over the weekend while Mommy and Daddy went to Dave & Lauren's wedding festivities. We were so glad to have her here! With her and Marie in charge of the babies, we knew they were in great hands!
I just went on my first work trip! It was so hard to leave the babies! Oma came over almost every day and was a huge help to Marie and Brent while I was gone. Brent got up each day with them at 5:30-ish, and has decided he likes the morning shift, so plans on getting up with them most mornings so I can work out and shower before my work day starts.

Their baptism was on the 23rd. They were both so good, even though it was during their morning nap time! Will was pretty chilled out, but Liv was incredibly animated and yelled at the pastor the whole time. She was also laughing loudly at the cello. I think she likes to be the center of attention, like her mommy.
We had a very hot day here, so we took the babies for their first "swim"! They loved the water. Liv thought it was a bit cold, but Will didn't mind. I have a feeling we're going to have a fun summer with them!
Will is now 18 lbs, and Liv is 15 lbs 6 oz. Still no teeth, although there have been bouts of teething periods. We're expecting those little teeth to pop through any day! Will continues to be a great eater - pretty much anything we give him, he likes. We're even adding some herbs and spices to his baby food! Liv is getting much better with eating, but she's a bit pickier than Will. Pretty easy to say that Will takes after Brent and Liv after me on this one.
We're looking forward to a fun Memorial Day weekend with friends (Lisa and Sheefel are both visiting!). Hope you all have a sunny holiday weekend!