Liv and Will are now almost 9 months old. Will is roughly just under 19 lbs (too hard to know for sure, because he will not stay still on the scale!), and Liv is 16.5 lbs. We have their 9-month well-visit check in two weeks, so I'll give more of an update on their "stats" then. They had their follow-up preemie eye check at the beginning of the month, and everything is normal! They don't have to go back for another eye check until they're 3 yrs old.
Our June ended on a very sad note...our dear Marie returned to Switzerland. It was incredibly hard to see her go. She was here with us during the hard times, before sleeping through the night, before schedules, feeding every 2-3 hours, colic filled evenings, etc. She was a second mom to Liv and Will. She is very missed, but we feel so lucky that we were able to spend those 6 months together! Luckily for us, her sister, Elsa, came a week before Marie left (for some quality training!), and is now with us until August 19th. Elsa has jumped right in with both feet, and doing a really great job. The babies took an immediate liking to her, and she fits right in with us. Elsa will be with us just a short time, during her summer break. The day after she leaves, we'll be welcoming Theresa (au pair from Germany) to the family.
Liv and Will both LOVE water. They love the pool and the bath. I think they would play in the tub for hours if we let them. The weather has been amazing, allowing a lot of opportunity for walks and swimming. We've been to the beach twice so far - they both love to look at the ocean and talk long walks along the water. Not so excited about he frigid water, but they'll get used to it!
Will has mastered sitting by himself, but Liv really can't be bothered. If only she could figure out how to coordinate those little legs of hers, she'd be running around the house already. She wants desparately to crawl, but instead she pushes herself backwards, which frustrates her greatly.
Mamaw had a surprise retirement party in June which we could not attend, but we celebrated anyway. No worries, we didn't let her actually drink the wine!