Liv and Will are 10 weeks old now. They are past their due date, so I've told them in no uncertain terms that they have no preemie excuses anymore...time to think about sleeping longer at night! I'm not asking for all night, just waking up once instead of 2 or 3 would be a great Christmas gift. I'm not going to hold my breath though. :)
We no longer have the nurses coming to the house, as they do not qualify for continued home care since they are doing so well! That's a good thing, but I miss having them weighed and checked so frequently. We went for the 2 month pediatrician visit last Friday, which went very well...he said they were perfect, which I already knew. At that time, Liv was 7 lbs 13 oz, and Will was 8 lbs 3 oz. They seem to be gaining about 1.5 oz per day, so I'm sure they are well on their way to 9 lbs by now!
They are really starting to act like newborns now. It's pretty amazing how it just switches. They are really focusing on our faces, especially when I'm feeding them, and make the cutest faces! I love this one from this's just like me and Brent in the mornings. I wake up happy, and Brent takes awhile to get going.

We've started doing tummy time and getting them to focus on small toys. Early Intervention officially starts Friday, so they will be getting their "training" on strengthening their necks and tracking objects. Fun!
My family arrives next week to visit for awhile over Christmas...we're so excited to have them here! Brent and I wish all of you a very Merry Christmas (we probably won't post again until after)!
Love to all!