Can you believe it? They are 2 months old now (9 weeks today). Their due date is Sunday, December 13th, so they are almost full term newborns! Will now weights 7 lbs 12 oz, and Liv weighs 7 lbs 9 oz...more than doubling their birth weight!

They had their follow-up eye appointment, and both are in the clear! Their eyes are maturing well, so they don't have to go back for 6 months for a follow-up. They have their pediatrician 2-month check this Friday. They also qualify for Early Intervention (see previous post) - had their assessment last week, and will be meeting with them on Wednesday to develop a plan for them moving forward...I intend to take as much advantage of the program as possible!
We've decided to get an au pair for the first half of 2010. Her name is Marie; she is from Switzerland. It will be odd to have someone else living in our house, especially an 18 year old, but we're excited to give it a try! It's a very affordable option, and will keep them out of day care during the flu season.
They are eating 9 times a day now. Seriously, where is that 6/day schedule they were on in the hospital??? I'm still missing sleep desperately, but at least starting to get used to the sleep deprivation. Good thing they're so cute! :)
Do you think we'll catch them holding hands like this when they're older??
Grandpa Nemo came to visit after Thanksgiving.
Oma took them for their first walk.
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