What a month! Liv and Will made it through their first 4th of July at the beach, Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease, teething, and another flight!
They are now almost 10 months old. Will weighs about 20 lbs, and Liv weights about 17.5 lbs. Liv has her first tooth. It seemed like it took forever! She’s so strong – didn’t complain at all! They interact a lot now. Liv is the gentle one, who likes to pet Will, rub his back, pat his face, or give a kiss. Will likes to pull Liv’s hair and kick her. Yup, he’s a boy alright. Liv is crawling around now too…it’s so cute how proud she is of herself! She’s been working hard to figure it out for a few weeks now, so she deserves a little pride. Will hasn’t been too interested in crawling until the past week. He can get where he wants to go by pulling himself along the carpet, creeping, or rolling around. They are getting more and more vocal every day. Liv says “ga ga” most of the time, while Will’s favorite is “da da”. Totally not fair…where is “ma ma”????
I really can’t complain about Liv & Will getting sick. It’s really the first time in 9 months that they’ve been really sick, which is pretty impressive considering they were preemies during the winter! However, HFMD was pretty rough. They were miserable, wouldn’t eat or drink, which of course was during the heat wave on the east coast so I was consumed with worry about dehydration. Sleeping was a problem too. We’re used to Mr. Will being a bit cranky at times, but it was very unusual to see Liv sad for so long! We’re so happy this has passed.
We flew to Indiana on July 30th. Brent & Melissa had a wedding to go to on the 31st, so Elsa, Liv and Will hung out on the farm over the weekend with Mamaw and Aunt Amanda. We’ll be staying for a week (until Aug 9), so if you’re in the area, get in touch with me to visit! This flight was not as easy as the one in February. They’re too aware of the world now, so keeping two 10-month-olds happy in your laps for 2 hours, after driving the hour to the airport and 1.5 hours of waiting once we got there…well, it takes some energy and patience! I might have to stay here until they’re 5 years old before I’m ready to take them on another flight.
We continue to spend a lot of time in the pool…the babies both love to splash. We’ve even put them under water a few times, and after they get over the surprise, they’re fine with it! My little fish!
We’re planning their first birthdays (just 2 months away…hard to believe!!!). If you’re in the Greenfield area, the party will be on Sunday, Oct. 3, and for those of you in MA, it will be Sunday, Oct. 10. Get your party hats on!
Elsa, our current au pair (Marie’s sister) has been with us since the end of June. Her time is flying by here! She’s with us until August 19th…hard to believe! Liv and Will love her…it will be sad to see her go! Theresa is getting ready to come soon, starting August 20th.

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