We made the big move today to the Level 2 NICU at Good Samaritan Hospital in Brockton. Will wasn't at all phased by the move, but Liv was a little upset...she didn't like the bumpy ambulance ride, and was off a bit on her eating today, but I'm sure she'll be back to normal in no time. I'm actually the one that had the hardest time with the move! It was our decision to go, and I do believe it was the right one, but I had really gotten attached to the great nurses at St. Elizabeth's - especially the nurse that has been with them the past week, and accompanied us on the ambulance ride. I miss you Marlene!!!
They have both surpassed the 4 lb mark! Weight is not a criteria for going home, but it just feels good to hit a landmark. As of last night, Will was 4 lbs 2.8 oz, and Liv was 4 lbs 1.6 oz.
Because they both seemed so interested in feeding, they had me try nursing, even though it was early. Liv has really gotten the hang of it - I'm "allowed to nurse her for 3 of her 8 feedings per day now. This is impressive, because normally they don't try breastfeeding until 34 weeks gestational age, and she's been doing it since 32 now! Will is catching up - he gets to breastfeed 2 times a day, but only takes in half of his feeding that way. He'll catch up to his sister quickly, I'm sure. I'm guessing within another weeks or so, they might be fully on bottles and breast, but I'm just guessing.
They still have the occasional spells (see previous post for definition), but they are happening less frequently. They still have caffiene, protien, and extra calories added to the breastmilk, something they will have to start decreasing soon - they will need to be off of these before they come home.
There are just a few criteria for getting to bring them home. They must be AT LEAST 35 weeks gestational age (they are currently 33 weeks + 1 day). They have to go 7 days without a spell. And they have to be feeding fully from bottle and breastmilk (no feeding tube). I can't wait to bring them home...hopefuly it's closer to the 35 week mark and not much later.
Quite a few of you have offered to come to the hospital to hang out with me to pass the time, and I've sort of turned you away. Please know that I appreciate it SO SO much! It's shocking to me how quickly time flies by in the NICU, between nursing the both, holding them during their feeding through the feeding tube, diapers, pumping...and then repeat. I have very little, if any, downtime while I'm there, so I'd hate for any of you to come to spend time with me only to have me busy the whole time! Also, there are many of you that have called and emailed, and for the same reasons as above, I'm very, very late in getting back to everyone. Please accept my apologies, and know I love you all!
Here is a pic of the transport incubator for the ambulance ride to the Level 2 NICU. They rode together!
Happy Liv!
Will thinking hard (or pooping)!