Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Liv and Will's Arrival - October 6, 2009

Most of you have heard the basic story:

On Monday morning (10/5/09), I could tell something wasn’t quite right, and after speaking to my doctor, was off to our local hospital (Norwood Hospital) to be checked, fully believing that worst case would be bed rest. After a few hours at that hospital, they transferred me to St. Elizabeth’s hospital in Boston, because they were concerned there was a chance I could go into premature labor, and at 10 weeks premature, I needed to be where they had a Level 3 NICU. Brent and I both believed at the time that worst case was an extended stay at the hospital on bed rest. Sleeping was almost impossible Monday night due to my discomfort, but around 4am Tuesday morning, that discomfort turned into serious pain. Within no time, my water broke, and I was in full labor, with contractions coming non-stop (all without pain medication!!!). The babies were not handling the contractions well, and William was not in position to be delivered, so it was a rush to the operating room for a c-section. Moments later, Olivia and William were born!

Olivia Norine Wainwright
10/6/09, 7:23am
3lb 8 oz

William Henry Wainwright
10/6/09, 7:25am
3lb 8.5 oz

We are all doing well. I think Brent and I are getting over the shock of being parents weeks before we were expecting, and are incredibly happy that they are doing so well. Will and Liv will be in the NICU for a few weeks, but are very strong and making us proud parents already.

Will (10/6/09):

Liv (10/6/09):

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