Monday, November 16, 2009


Sorry it's been awhile since I've updated this. It's been an exhausting few days!

Liv and Will came home on Thursday!

The first night was hard, as expected. Being home is quite different than being in the hospital. We didn't really sleep that night...actually, I haven't really slept since they've been home. I think I got a total of 4 hours last night (non-consecutive), which is better than the previous nights! I'm trying to take naps when I can.

I'm so grateful that my mom is here to help so I feel comfortable taking those naps, along with everything else she's doing...I'm so sad that she's leaving Wednesday!

Beyond the lack of sleep, things are going great! It's so nice to have them home! They're eating up a storm, and gaining fast too. Will is 5 lbs 11 oz, and Liv is 5 lbs 10 oz! They are 36 weeks gestational age now, 6 weeks "real" age. And, they are the cutest little kids that ever existed.
Brent is an awesome Daddy! You wouldn't know that he didn't have any experience with babies before this. He gives them their bottles, changes diapers, and handles them like a pro. I'm very proud of him!

We gave them their first bath at home. They loved it!

The dogs have adjusted very well...they love the babies! They always come running when they cry!

I will try to update again soon, but no promises! Sleep comes first!

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