Thursday, January 14, 2010

3 month update

Will is now 11 lb 2 oz, and Liv is 9 lb 13.5 oz. She has not been eating as well as she used to, but I think she's starting to get a bit back to normal. Will is just destined to be a defensive tackle, I think. They turned 3 months old on Jan 6th, but just 4.5 weeks adjusted age.

They are just starting to smile and coo. It's not a regular thing yet, but we are so excited when it happens. I think in a couple more weeks, it should be the norm. It's so fun to see this, rather than just fussing all the time! Remember, with the adjusted age thing, I've been dealing with newborns for a lot longer than most people do, so it's seemed like an eternity to get to this point.

The au pair, Marie, started January 1st. She's adjusting to US living, and doing really well with Liv and Will. I feel confident they will be in good hands when I return to work, which is coming up quick...Jan 25th! I will be working from home, so it will be a nice transition. I'm not sure how I'll do it after a night of little or no sleep, but millions of people manage it...I'm sure I can too!

We'll be heading to Indiana for half of February...very excited about this! I'm lucky to be able to work from anywhere, and I'll be bringing Marie with us to watch the babes during the day. For those of you out that way...looking forward to seeing you all and for Liv and Will to meet you!
Will in a milk coma!
The dogs think they should do tummy time with Liv.

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