Monday, April 26, 2010

Laughing Babies & Au Pair updates

We've never posted a video on here before, so hopefully it works! Last night, the babies really had some big belly laughs at their silly mommy.

We also decided to make a match with an au pair from Germany. Her name is Theresa. We've met a couple of times over the phone and skype, and have emailed a few times as well. I think it's going to be a great match for us, and we're excited to invite her into our family this August.

One last news - Will decided to roll over last night from back to belly! So, they've both accomplished the goals of rolling in both directions. They don't do these activities frequently, but at least they've done them!


  1. I love watching you and your sweet laughing babies. You guys looks like you are making awesome parents.


  2. There is nothing as wonderful as giggling babies! What sweethearts!

    Wish we were closer and could come see them.

